Friedreich ataxia (FA) is an inherited, multisystem neurodegenerative disease that results in profound changes to speech, swallowing, balance, walking, cardiac health and upper limb function.
TRACK-FA is an imaging study focussed on building a better understanding of the impact FA has on the brain and its relationship to clinical features of the disease. The team of investigators working across 7 sites in the USA, Brazil, Australia, Germany and Canada scan patients every 12 months over 3 years using sophisticated brain imaging techniques. Patients are also completing a comprehensive battery of clinical assessments to establish the relationship between the brain and behaviour.
Redenlab are supporting the study through the inclusion of a digital speech protocol. Data will inform future protocol design in ataxia and strengthen links between meaningful clinical outcomes and underlying neuropathology.
For more information on the protocol and the team at Monash leading the study, click here.